Download Astonishing Tales of Terror Rocktapussy! (2022) Brigitte Kingsley Nude Scenes

Director: Andrew Cymek
Actress in Nude Scene/s: Brigitte Kingsley
Country: Canada
Language: English
Description: After switching to creating family-friendly holiday fare like A Very Corgi Christmas and Mistletoe Magic, writer-director Andrew Cymek has returned to his horror comedy roots. Intrepid reporter Hunter Hazelton (Brigette Kingsley) goes from breaking a story about corruption at city hall by going undercover as a stripper, to saving the world when new mining technology accidentally awakens an tentacled monster living underground in Northern Ontario. The busty Brigette dons a sparkly bikini for some impressive pole dancing, a skimpy warrior-princess ensemble while trying not to get sacrificed, goes down to pasties for an ancient dream sequence, and wakes up naked underground and covered in mud. This movie’s more like An Astonishing Tale of Ta-Tas!
File Size: 119 MB | Format: MP4 | Duration: 02:38 MINS | Resolution: 1920×1080