Download Petit mal (2023) Ana María Otálora, Silvia Varón Santamaría, Ruth Caudeli Nude Scenes

Director: Ruth Caudeli
Actress in Nude Scene/s: Ana María Otálora, Silvia Varón Santamaría, Ruth Caudeli
Country: Colombia
Language: Spanish
Description: A simmering Spanish melodrama that centers on a throuple, a relationship between three women: Laia (writer/director Ruth Caudeli) Anto (Ana María Otálora), and Martina (Silvia Varón Santamaria), and the jealousies that can ensue. When all three women are together, Laia is the throuple’s obvious core and the other two tend to revolve around her in competition, but when she’s called away to Los Angeles for work, Anto and Martina end up becoming closer, which Laia can sense just from speaking with them long-distance.
File Size: 147 MB | Format: MP4 | Duration: 03:16 MINS | Resolution: 1920×1080