Je fais ou on me dit (1981)

Je fais ou on me dit (1981)

Je fais ou on me dit (1981)

Je fais ou on me dit (1981) | France | Vhsrip

Directed by: Jean Luret

Actors: Celine Gallone, Diane Dubois, Francoise Sollier, Muriel Montosse, Jean Quentin, Andre Chazel, Richard Lemieuvre, Hubert Geral

Language: French

Country: France | Vhsrip

Description: A man is walking along the Champ de Mars and the Trocadero in Paris. He and his wife (off-voices) tell about their poor life as a couple. He is impotent and she spends her time looking for adventure. She sees her lover in hotels or on a barge on the river Seine. She is seen with two men in the country, with a female partner by a path. Coming home late she says she was lost in the woods. The husband’s off-voice says that he is perfectly aware of this all and actually manipulates his wife to get her to make love where HE wants her to. Comment: Reviewed as a poorly-edited film whose scenes were probably shot at the same time as another film (Pensionnaires tres expertes) released the previous year. The off-voices were obviouly used to give sense (unsuccessfully though) to the disparate scenes.

File Size: 671 MB | Format: AVI | Duration: 61:51 MINS | Resolution: 640×480

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